STEP UP FOR THE PUPS: Rainbow Walk – June 22, 2024
In honour of the dogs we’ve loved and lost, this year we are calling our annual fundraiser ‘Step Up for the Pups: Rainbow Walk’. Funds raised will go towards the medical care of dogs in our foster programs.
We hope you will join us in the Step Up For The Pups fundraiser by participating on June 22, or by donating to/sponsoring our efforts. We’d be extremely grateful for any support you can offer, and so would our dogs.
Walk your way:
Participate on June 22nd by walking by yourself or with others (with or without a dog). You choose where you wish to walk (e.g. your neighbourhood, a park, a trail, or even just within your own home). This year you can also walk with other supporters at Woodbine Park in Toronto! (Details will be provided to walkers in the coming weeks).
How it works:
- Register
- Let friends and family know how to pledge/sponsor you
- Step Up on June 22nd (Alternate date in case of poor air quality, severe weather, etc. is June 23rd)
- After the walk, it is very important to our rescue that you thank each person who donated to you. If you choose to do this by email, you may want to let them know about how far you walked, reiterate why you walked and how their donation will help the dogs in our rescue.
If you have any questions, please email contest@speakingofdogs.com.
Click on these links for Complete Details:
How to set up your fundraising page
Compete for great prizes:
Top-Dog Fundraiser: Fetch the Prize for Most Money Raised
- $100 gift card will be awarded to the participant who raises the most money!
- $50 gift card will be awarded to the person who raises the second highest amount of money!
- $25 gift card will be awarded to the person who raises the third highest amount of money!
- These winners will be determined from the Canada Helps personal fundraising page at 7 p.m. (EDST) June 23, and by e-transfers to Speaking of Dogs Rescue Program by 7 a.m. June 24.
Take the Lead in Our Longest Distance Challenge!
- $25 gift card will be awarded to the participant who walked or ran the farthest distance!
- Only kilometres walked/ran on Saturday June 22nd (or June 23rd) until 7pm (EDST) will be counted.
- Take a screen shot or photo of your fitness app, Apple Watch, Fitbit, Garmin (or other smartwatch), Google Fit, Google Maps at or before 7pm (EDST) on either June 22nd or 23rd (depending on the date you walked) then email it to contest@speakingofdogs.com with ‘kilometres’ in the subject line. Photos must be received no later than 8pm (EDST) June 23rd.
- Measuring your distance is not mandatory, unless you want to enter the contest.
- To be eligible for this category, you can only have covered the distance on foot (i.e. no biking, rollerblading, etc.)
- Distance estimates are not eligible for this prize.
Get Social, Save Pups: Join Our Social Media Showdown
We really appreciate your help in getting the word out about Step Up for the Pups! We encourage you to use your social media network to promote this fundraiser before and during the walk.
- $25 gift card will be awarded to the participant with the most Pawsitively Pawsome Posts on Social Media!
- Instagram: Tag @speakingofdogsrescue in your stories and posts and use the #stepupforthepups2024 .
- Consider adding your fundraising page URL from Canada Helps in your profile to make it easier for people to donate. The link (above) to the Fundraising Tips document outlines how to do this. Here’s an example.
- Facebook: Tag @Speaking of Dogs in your Facebook posts about the fundraiser and include your fundraising page URL from Canada Helps in your post.
- You can also submit your social media engagements to us by email. Just take a screen capture or picture of your post on Facebook or Instagram, and send to contest@speakingofdogs.com .
- Entries can be submitted any day on or before June 23rd and must be received by 8pm (EDST).
Winners can choose what gift card they would like, providing we can email it to them.
All winners will be announced and contacted on Tuesday June 25th
**Please note that we reserve the right to extend the deadlines if there are any safety concerns (e.g. air quality, severe weather, etc.)**